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"I'm alive..."

Posted: 05 May, 2018

...with caveats :D

Apologies, things have been quiet on here, which wasn't intentional.

At the start of April I suffered abdominal pains that, over the course of 6 hours, ended up with me having surgery for a suspected twisted intestine. I had the best possible outcomes from both the surgery and the recuperation, but it's meant the better part of four weeks not doing much at all ("recuperating", or "boredom" as I like to think of it).

I'm back on my feet, in fact, bar some much needed core strengthening to repair the muscle that was cut open I'd say I'm basically tip-top. Phew! So massive thanks to the Doctors and Nurses at Hki for their sterling work and humour. The physio was a bit harsh, though ;D

The next big change is that I'm moving back to the UK in June. Things are making their way into boxes, errands need to be run, and my eye is not really on my work. Again. But this shouldn't take too long, or be too painful.

Once that's out of the way I'm also thinking of doing more on Mixer/Twitch (and maybe You Tube), so my work is a little more visible. I love writing blog posts but people don't like reading them any more. That's not to say this blog is going to die. It's not. Some topics will deserve more detail than a video will allow so you can still expect updates here, I've just not made up my mind how frequently, or what sort of content will be best.

That's a long winded way of apologising for the lack of updates this month, and for the lack of updates in the month to come. But I'll be back soon :)

Previous Post: "Stylised Water Shader"


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